Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Worthfull Week-End

Last week-end was worth. After a long time I got some real work to do :) . Yes I was at a camp organized by wipro for tsunami rehabilation work. We were at Putpanavam village at Nagapattinam district for a mega tree plantation work on Oct 1 and Oct 2. We are around 150 voluntiers from wipro joined hands with various ncc/school/college/social workers to make a guiness attempt of planting more than 2 lakh saplings along the beach shore of the putpanavam village.

The programme started with lot of support from all over the district including the district collectors. District Collector was very enthusiastic and hard worked for both days passing orders briskly. Around 300 workers are selected for the plantation work after given medical checkup. They were spread across various teams with supervisors. The entire site is divided into 20 zones and each team is put to a zone. After the whistle, the workers made their continuous attempt for 24 hours starting from oct 1 ( 2 PM) to Oct 2 (2 PM) planting the trees. Our work is to pass the tree sapling to each team and do voluntier work by passing foods, juices etc., to the workers.

The tree which were planted has the capability to control the speed of the tsunami kind of disaster. Indian Flag was hosted at the site as a memorial for the people who died of Tsunami. We took more photos of the event. Will update this blog after those get scanned.


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